The Credit Line Directorate (CLD) under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova, established in 1995, represents a special department, the purpose of which is to make further crediting and administrate credit line resources of Investment Projects and Programs of International Financial Organizations. The credits are granted to support and develop the country’s economy, to promote export, to create new work places and to develop the private sector enterprises.
The cooperation between the Credit Line Directorate and BC “EuroCreditBank” started in 2017 and is focused on the implementation of financial assistance projects, especially on the provision of credits from the revolving funds of the international projects: RISP, FIDA, PNAET, PAC, KFW etc. Also, the Government of the Republic of Moldova proposed the launch of the PNAET program, the objective of which is to offer financial support with grant component, managed and administrated by the CLD.