Business cards incorporate contactless technology that allows you to make payments to any merchant in the country or abroad where the logo Visa payWave or the symbol
is displayed by simply tapping the card to the payment terminal.
The card account opened on the name of the legal person allows attaching a large number of cards, as well as parameterization of the access to the funds for each card (the company may decide if the card has total or limited access to the funds of the company’s account).
EuroCreditBank makes available to the legal persons monthly bank statements, as well as detailed reports related to each card transaction, in the country and abroad, allowing the efficient control of the credit card expenses.
The cards may be used by the authorized users for:commercial transactions and cash withdrawals in a country and abroad (the automate conversion of the amounts in lei in the card account is made in the currency of those countries), 24 hours per day, 7 days per week;
booking in advance hotel rooms or renting cars;
different payments on Internet.
EuroCreditBank does not collect any commission for commercial transactions in the country and abroad.
Assistance services provided by Visa in emergency cases are available only if the card has been used for the total or partial payment of the travel cost (accommodation, transport etc.), and if during this trip the need of an emergency service occurred.
Business Cards
For obtaining Business cards, the company should follow the steps below:the representatives of the company should contact the CEC Bank unit where they accounts are opened and conclude a contract for opening of Business cards and the list of people with the nomination of authorized card users;
the bank performs the card issuance process and gives the payment instruments to authorized users;
the company supplies card accounts as needed, it can also be done remotely via ECB-online.
- Card issuance – free of charge;
- Validity – 2 years with automatic renewal;
- Use within the country and abroad.
Legislative specifications:
- Business Card operations should be performed by the Card Holder in strict accordance with the provisions of the applicable normative acts of the Republic of Moldova (Law on Foreign Exchange Regulation no 62-XVI of 21 March 2008, Regulation on Foreign Exchange Regulation on the territory of the Republic of Moldova of 13.01. 1994 - with subsequent amendment and supplement and Instruction regarding External Commitments No 185 of 13.07.2006).