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Intel express

“IntelExpress "is an international Money transfer system operating in 90 countries of the world at optimal rates without the need to open a bank account. The company has offices in Georgia, Italy, Spain, Israel and Greece and is constantly expanding its network. Currency of transfer:The Money Transfer System «IntelExpress» offers the possibility to receive money transfers in US dollars and EUR, GBP and to send in US dollars and EUR.
Advantages of the money transfer "Intelexpress”:• The transfer fee is paid only by the person who sends the transfer, the amount of the commission depending on the transfer destination and the amount of the transfer;• The "IntelExpress" system provides an extensive network of over 57,000 customer service points;• Transfers can be received in any subdivision CB "EuroCreditBank" JCB .To receive a transfer :• Contact CB "EuroCreditBank" JSB with the valid identity card;• Communicate to the operator the transfer code, the amount of the transfer, to know the information about the sender;• Sign the transfer receipt request;• Raise cash at the cash desk.
To send a transfer :• Refer to CB "EuroCreditBank" JSB with the valid identity card;• Communicate accurately to the operator: Name and surname of the beneficiary, the country in which you send the money, the currency and the amount of the transfer;• Deposit the amount of the transfer and the amount of the commission;• Communicate the transfer code to the beneficiary.
Validity period of transfer:Transfers in system are valid for an undetermined period until the recipient receives the transfer or returns the person who sent the transfer.Also, the person who sent the transfer on the basis of a request may at any time request the return of the transfer, provided that the transfer was not issued to the beneficiary.
Cancellltion of transfer:The customer may file a cancellation request on the day the transfer was dispatched, provided that the transfer was not issued to the beneficiary. In this case the amount of the transfer and the amount of the commission paid shall be refunded to the customer.Returning the transfer:The sender may request return at any time, provided that the transfer has not yet been issued to the recipient.
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